Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Natasha Denona Skin Glow Foundation - Dry Skin Review!

I have been eyeing the Natasha Denona Face Glow Foundation for MONTHS! I have always been a lover of glowy foundations and many have raved about this as being the most full-coverage, glowy foundation around. AKA MY DREAM!

I picked up the lightest shade, 10 - Neutral Porcelain. Watch above to see how this baby works on my dry skin!

Why I'm Not Going to IMATS Toronto 2018!

IMATS has become a sensation over the last few years. I've been attending IMATS Toronto since 2013 but this is the first year I've decided against going. Each year IMATS gets busier and busier, but is the cost really worth the savings you are getting? I don't think so.

Now that so many companies are more easily available in Canada and many offer free shipping to Canada - are the discounts worth it? Most shops are offering no discounts (like Morphe) or 20% off (like Kat Von D), but when these brands are now available so easily in Canada, are the entry fees worth it?

Tickets to IMATS are ~$50.00. So you need to make sure that you'll be saving MUCH more than that in order for it to be worth your time, your energy and your money. Watch the video above to see how much I saved the last two years at IMATS.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Top Picks from Simons [new square one store]

I walked into the new Simons store at Square One this weekend and I wanted to buy all of the things! I had been to Simons once before in Quebec City and I remember loving it! I was so excited when I heard that they were opening a Simons in Square One. This is the first location outside of Quebec and it opened last week. As a company, they have a few brands like Twik (young and edgy), Icone (urban and dynamic) and Contemporaine (elegant and refined). Twik is the least expensive and definitely more my style. Whereas Icone and Contemoraine are a bit more pricey and have some more refined pieces. They also carry some higher end brands like Elizabeth and James, Diane von Furstenberg, etc.
I refrained from buying the whole store, however these are my top picks! Can we talk about these Pineapple Printed Shorts(1. $28 CAN, Twik)? They are so adorable and these flowy shorts come in 9 different patterns, mostly florals. Everything comes in the most adorable patterns, including these Taco Socks (2. $16). Also notice the Pineapple socks that match the pineapple shorts. I love nothing more than prints and patterns.

I didn't get a chance to try on any of the pants I saw (aren't pants such a mission to try on??). But these Extra Stretch Coloured Jeans (3. $45 CAN, Twik) are awesome. They come in 8 colours, which includes brights like this awesome teal and neutrals like black and beige. Hopefully they fit perfectly and I might have to pick up a few pairs. I live for coloured jeans and extra stretch. I also love these Polka Dot Skinny Jeans (4. $50, Twik). They look high waisted, which are the only jeans I will wear (hello love handles). I also love the light wash and subtle polka dot pattern for the spring and summer. Polka dots are my weakness.

This It Girl Fabulous Sweatshirt (5. $29.95, Twik) is one of the items that I went home with this weekend. I live for monochromatic and this is so parisienne chic. I have been on the hunt for a nice Denim Shirtdress (6. $58, Twik) for a few years. They are usually too expensive or I hate the wash. This one looks perfect and I love the grungy plaid shirt tied around the waist too. This Makeup Logo Blouse (7. $30, Twik) is obviously perfect for anyone reading this blog! I live for makeup and this is super cute. I love a nice white tee to go with all of the coloured denim I want to wear this summer! Finally, the last piece I picked up was this Je Parle Feministe tee (8. $40, La Montréalaise Atelier). It is totally overpriced but I don't regret it at all! I am a loud and proud feminist and this shirt is super cute. Usually all of the feminist shirts I want to purchase are online. Being able to pick something up in store is just easier. This slogan also comes on a pretty cute sweater. 

Honestly, Simons will be one of my go-to stores from now on. They have everything that you could need, from super classic styles and more edgy, on trend items. I'm obsessed. If you are in the area, I strongly urge you to go! 

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Weekend Purchases + the new NYX Canada store.

It's so hard to go a week and not pick up one or two beauty related items when you're a beauty hoarder like me. I didn't make it through unscathed this week. Even entering the grocery store is dangerous. That beauty department just calls out to me every time, especially the displays of new items! These are the items that somehow found a new home with me this week. I'm convinced they leapt into my cart. You have no proof otherwise!
A look inside the NYX Canada store at Square One

NYX Canada opened their first ever Canadian store this week in Square One in Mississauga. So close to me that it is dangerous! Of course I had to saunter into the store and take a peak, and you know I didn't leave empty handed. The grand opening was Thursday, October 29th and I went to the store early morning on Halloween. The store was still a little bit ravaged: missing testers and many products were sold out. But the store was gorgeous and I can't blame them for the state of the store. I heard how insane it was for the grand opening (which is exactly why I avoided it like the plague!) I still ended up leaving with the NYX Mascara Primer and the NYX HD Blush in Deep Plum.
I have limp, short eyelashes and am currently using the Lancome Cils Booster XL and I love it but I'm almost out. I would love to find a drugstore version, because I don't even buy high end mascaras. Fingers crossed. Lately I have been obsessed with warm-toned blushes. I swatched this blush and knew I needed it. It is a beautiful warm toned brown-plum colour with shimmer. The shimmer in this is so gorgeous and it actually reminds me of Mac Mineralized Skin Finish in Petticoat (limited edition).

When I was at the grocery store, I picked up one staple and two newbies. I have mentioned the EOS shaving lotion before but I am still as loyal as ever to it. I have always hated shaving cream, but I love this shave lotion. It goes on like a moisturizer, protects against razor burn and is soothing on the skin. I also stumbled upon these new Joe Fresh face masks. They were only $2.00 and I love me a good face mask! In the winter months, my dry skin just gets worse. I find using a body oil before I moisturize really helps to lock in moisture. I really love the Palmers Cocoa Butter line, so I figured I would pick this up as well. Let's hope it keeps my skin baby smooth this winter.

What did you guys pick up this weekend?

Monday, October 26, 2015

Lusting after Fall Accessories [2015]

Fall is my favourite season (said every white girl ever, I know). I live for the leaves, the crisp Fall air, boots and scarves! Transforming your wardrobe for Fall is so simple; it is all in the accessories. You can wear a simple pair of black jeans and a white shirt and add on some Fall staples, and you are good to go. These are the Fall essentials that I have been lusting over all month.

I bought my first blanket scarf from Garage earlier this month and I can't stop wearing it. Plaid is always a staple for me in the fall months and blanket scarves are so cozy and chic. It almost doesn't matter what you wear underneath them. I am so little they almost engulf my frame, which I love. Hello, less time choosing an outfit! This Oversized Square Scarf from Asos ($40.78 CAN) is gorgrous and so on trend. This baby will keep you toasty in the windy Fall weather. These Steve Madden Reaal Booties ($100.00 CAN) are also the perfect transition piece. In Canada, Fall is short-lived and we quickly move into Winter. I love these boots because you can wear them with bare feet in the beginning of fall or some really cute colourful socks moving into the winter months. I also love the chunky heels and buckle details. So badass.

I don't generally consider a phone-case to be seasonal, but I finally upgraded my phone and got the new iPhone 6S. I chose the rose gold version (again, said every white girl ever). It is so beautiful I don't want to buy a case, but I know just how graceful I am, so I should. I have been scouring the internet for the perfect case. I didn't know what I was looking for until I stumbled upon this black marble case ($43.28 CAN) on Etsy. Etsy is my favourite place to find unique phone cases for a pretty decent price. There are just so many options, you will always find what you are looking for. White marble is really in right now but I am always weary of light-coloured phone cases (I am a serious klutz). This black marble one is edgier than the white and also won't get as dirty! Win.

In Fall, I feel like we forget about sunglasses. Sunglasses are so hyped in the summer and then they kind of fall off the face of the earth. The sun doesn't disappear in the fall people, it is still here and blinding me every day. I love these Warby Parker Bird sunglasses ($180.00 CAN), from their latest collaboration with Maiyet. The shape is gorgeous and I can see it being flattering on most face shapes. I am also obsessed with the beige detailing around the frames. It is such a subtle detail that adds so much to the frame. They are gorgeous and will hide any dark circles with their large, dark frames. Perfect for a lazy Sunday morning.

Of course, this is a makeup blog and makeup in the fall is my favourite. You know it's all about those dark berry lips. But I also love to switch up my blush for something deeper and mauvey. My best friend recently picked up Benefit Dallas blush ($36.00 CAN) and won't stop sending me pictures of her wearing it. Lately I have been obsessed with warmer brown-toned blushes. Dallas is a rosey brown which I need in my collection.

I really wish Fall stayed around forever. Where is it Fall all year round? I will move there!

What are your favourite fall accessories?

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

IMATS Toronto Wishlist 2015!

IMATS Toronto is this weekend! Eep! If you've followed me for a long time you will know that I live for makeup sales. I have been to the Estee Lauder Warehouse Sale, the Shiseido/Nars Warehouse Sale, the L'Oreal Warehouse Sale and IMATS all multiple times. That's a lot of sales! But I think that IMATS is my favourite and it is probably for one simple reason: brushes. Makeup tools are some of the most expensive and most important parts of a good makeup junkie's stash. In Canada, they are a little hard to come by because we generally get screwed by every company when it comes to shipping.

IMATS is like Christmas. There are so many different brands who all have discounts on their products and no shipping fees. I can't describe the joy. I realize I am insane. That being said, this is what I hope to pick up this year at IMATS. I strongly believe in making a list so you don't go bananas (If it's your first year, you're going to go bananas anyways, so it's okay!). With a list at list you have a guideline. I will make a few impulse purchases but this will help me stay on track!
1. Embryolisse: I pick up an Embryolisse every year. This is an amazing moisturizer to put on before makeup and I love it for the winter. It is super hydrating and makeup just applies beautifully over top of it. If you are a dry-skinned girl like me, you need this!

2. Morphe Brushes: Morphe has quickly become one of the biggest brush companies (thanks to YouTube). I honestly don't care about any other brush company there. I don't love the brushes from Bdellium or Crown brush, I find the selection a little lackluster at Royal & Langnickle and Hakuhodo is just expensive. Morphe have a huge selection, they are amazing quality and they are dirt cheap. I am going to stock up major this year. I bought my first morphe brushes last year and use them all on a daily basis. This will be a big chunk of my budget! Also hoping to score the 35K palette, but I'm not holding my breath as these palettes are currently a hot commodity.

3. Benefit: Benefit has never been at IMATS before. I'm kind of excited. What I buy here will generally depend on the discount. NARS is at IMATS every year with no discount (no thanks!). If the discount is good I want to pick up another RSVP Creaseless Cream Eyeshadow (my go-to all over the lid shade). I also want to give the That Gal primer a try (hello glowy skin) and the Rockateur blush because I have been obsessed with neutral blush lately.

4. Beauty Blender: Just like Embryolisse, this is an IMATS staple for me. You can generally get two Beauty Benders for $35 at IMATS which is a great deal! I use a Beauty Blender almost every day for my foundation so I am in desperate need of a new one. And if I buy two I don't have to wash it as often! Win-win.

5. Inglot: This is also the first year that Inglot will be there. Again, what I purchase will depend on the discount. I really want the refreshing face mist and the AMC Gel Liner 77 (Black!) because everyone says it's the best!

6. Makeup Forever: Last year I steered clear from Makeup Forever but lately they have been really upping their game. They have released a lot of new products that I want to try. I really want to get one of their new primers, either the Hydrating or Radiance one and I am very intrigued by the new Ultra HD Invisible Cover Stick Foundation. I'm going to Sephora on Thursday to get my brows done so I will be colour matching myself while I am there (Pro tip: Colour match yourself before IMATS because it is a zoo! You will not be able to get an accurate colour match in all the chaos).

7. NYX Cosmetics: Yet ANOTHER brand that has never been at IMATS Toronto before (what a good year!). I really just want to get another NYX Eyebrow Gel in Brunette as mine is a little dried up after over a year of use. I also want to get the Tame and Frame eyebrow pomade in Brunette. I have it in Chocolate but it is a little too warm. I could potentially see a lipstick or two falling into my basket as well. Hello vampy fall lips, where are you?

Let's hope I can stick close to my list this year! I'm hoping to stick within my budget of $200. Here's hoping the newer companies (Inglot, Benefit and NYX) have some sweet deals!

Let me know if you are going to IMATS and what is on your wish list this year!

Monday, August 10, 2015

Urban Decay Matte Revolution Lipsticks [swatches & review]

Urban Decay takes the cake when it comes to gorgeous neutral palettes. With the launch of the first Naked palette in 2010 the beauty world was transformed. It's success spurred a slew of knock-off palettes and encouraged many other beauty brands to come out with their own version. Neutral palette lovers rejoiced and all was well in the world of beauty. Over the last few years Urban Decay has continued to step-up their game and the release of their new Matte Revolution lipsticks was no different.
Urban Decay released 9 shades of the Matte Revolution lipstick last month. As a sucker for a matte lipstick, I lusted after them. I watched a few swatch videos on these lipsticks, and even with the minimal hype, I knew I needed to get my hands on them! I picked three up during a Shoppers Drugmart spend your point event. Of course, I picked up the three purple shades, because that is my weakness: Bittersweet, After Dark and Blackmail.
Bittersweet is described as a "matte bright purple" on Sephora. I would say that it is a bright light-medium almost lavender purple. After Dark is described as "matte medium-dark berry pink". It reminds me a lot of Mac Rebel. It has almost a blue-ish duochrome to it. It isn't enough to call it a frost, it just makes it look more interesting on the lips. You can't see it in the picture but I love it. These two go on super smooth and feel ultra comfortable on the lips. I also love the rounded shape of the bullet which makes for ease of application around the cupid's bow (if your cupid's bow is rounded like mine).
Blackmail is described as a "matte deep berry wine". It is a very dark, dramatic lip, which is a lot coming from me. In the swatches above you can see it applied fully (left) and also just lightly applied with my fingers as a stain. Dark colours like this always allow for you to lighten the application to make different looks. I personally always enjoy them at full opacity. I found that this one was a little bit slicker and therefore trickier to work with. It clung to my dry patches a bit more and because of the dimension in this shade it tended to fade slightly patchy. But I do think the colour is to die for. It's a little difficult to work with but I love it nonetheless. If you are a lover of vampy lips, you will adore this colour. It isn't for the faint of heart.

The formulation of these mattes is fantastic. They remind me of the Maybelline Creamy Matte's, which are one of the other most comfortable mattes for the lips that I have tried. If you hate drying lipsticks or want to baby step into matte lips, these are the lipsticks for you. I am obsessed. I really hope that Urban Decay extends the line. 9 is just not enough. I own 1 of their regular Revolution lipsticks and I found them almost too glossy and just meh but these babies have put me under their spell and I am obsessed! Here's hoping more are released in the future because I will definitely scoop them up!